Roger Thompson Profile

Color Guard Instructor


Roger “Chip” Thompson currently resides in Ashland, Kentucky. He graduated from Harts High School before moving to Huntington to attend Marshall University as  a Music Education Major. Roger played Trumpet in the Marching Thunder for 2 seasons before moving to the color guard.  His love for color guard and the pageantry arts began with the Marching Thunder and it has been an honor for him to be back “home” to assist with the Marching Thunder.   

Over the years Roger has choreographed and designed for several local programs including Dawson-Bryant High school in Ohio, Capital High School, and South Charleston High School and co-founder, director, and chief choreographer of an Independent Regional A Color guard Mountain Mystique.  He has also been a technician with Vertigo Winter Guard and has participated as a clinician at clinics all throughout the local area. He has also worked a a visual designer and choreographer for area indoor percussion units.  

Roger is excited about continuing to work with the Marshall University color guard this season!