The TEDxMarshallU Internship in the Honors College is an opportunity to participate in a student-organized and faculty-mentored organizing/planning team for the TEDxMarshallU event. Students will apply for and be assigned different intern roles necessary for successfully planning, organizing, promoting, and executing a TEDxMarshallU event during the 2023-2024 academic year. They will also create a personal portfolio of their experiences to pass to the next organizing team and help them see how the internship experience can apply to their career development.
Student team members must commit to participating for the full academic year with a 1-credit course in the fall and a 2-credit course in the spring semester. This course will be an experiential learning opportunity in the Honors College listed as HON 483. Only the full academic year can be applied toward the college’s upper-division credit requirements.
Students interested in serving as interns in HON 483 must apply with the faculty mentor and TEDxMarshallU licensee, Dr. Brian Kinghorn.
Apply to be a TEDxMarshallU Intern!
For more information see the description and list of student-intern roles in TEDxMarshallU.
Or check out the Parthenon article by Raphael Alfonso, an Honors student.