Honors students are eligible for Priority Registration beginning Thursday 28 March at 7:00 AM and ending Friday 29 March at 5:00 PM. This is a benefit of being in good standing in the Honors College.
Students should schedule appointments with their major advisors to prepare for registration. This will be required for students with advising holds. There are a number of holds that can affect your ability to register. When attempting to register for classes, you may see a message that states “You may not add or drop classes due to holds on your record.”
You may determine if you have holds and what types of hold that you may have by clicking the “Financial Aid Information” link in MyMU under Student Self-Service and choose the “Holds” option (as seen highlighted in the image here). The Honors College cannot remove holds on your account.
If you have no holds, you can go ahead and click the “Registration” link under Student Self-Service to then select “Add/Drop Classes” (as seen highlighted in the image here).
For your information, we keep a list of the upcoming semester Honors and honors-designated courses.
Honors Advising: Note that HON 300, HON 480, HON 481, HON 484, HON 488, and HON 490 (was HON 483) all require students to be permitted to register by the Honors College. Enrollment in these courses for students who have completed HON 200 is arranged during an Honors Advising session, which is conducted by invitation from the college, and will take place Wednesday 13 March through Friday 15 March in Spring 2024 for Fall 2024 registration.