Archived News Archive

Each Fall and Spring semester, the Honors College Update is a singular place for information (typically released additionally by other means) about the college. It’ll be continuously updated throughout the semester. Just scroll through the headlines to find what interests you. Generally, news items will be listed beginning with the most recent post. You can

Honors Advising is coming up on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday October 26-28. This is an opportunity for students to meet with advisors in the College to discuss options for fulfilling the requirement that students complete 6 hours of approved upper-division courses (HON 480, HON 300, or HON 483) as part of the Honors Curriculum (as

From the Interim Dean: I know there are more exciting things to do on the internet than browsing the Honors College website. That said, I think you should spend some time exploring our website if you’ve not already. Seriously. It pains me when students tell me that they “wish they knew about ________” before it

Attending a First Year Check-In Advising Session with the Honors College is MANDATORY because it is an opportunity for students to sit down with a college representative to discuss the curriculum and identify an effective and rewarding way to complete it given specific situation of each student. It is also a chance to learn expectations

The Honors College is pleased to announce that the annual application for the Yeager Scholarship is now open. Society of Yeager Scholars seeks exceptional applicants for this four-year full scholarship at Marshall University. Yeager Scholars will be provided with full tuition and fees, room and board, a stipend for textbooks, a personal computer, and support for a