Curricular Forms

Note: Since forms are now submitted to the Academic Affairs office digitally, the Faculty Senate office can no longer accept curricular forms printed with “Two-sided printing”. Please make sure curricular forms are printed on only one side of the paper.


Materials Due: To ensure that your curricular item is placed on the agenda for a meeting date, the paper copy and .pdf version must be received by 3:00 p.m. on the respective due date. Please submit a separate .pdf document for each curricular item (do not send several items together within a single .pdf file). Also, please avoid using special characters in your .pdf file names (e.g., \, /, ?, &, #), as this creates problems when uploading documents to the UCC website. In addition, please also email UCC chair a txt file containing the rationale for each request. For new course/program addition, the rationale can be the catalog description. Thank you.


Other Resources


Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator