Faculty Senate Standing Committee FAQ

What are the functions of the Faculty Senate standing committees?

Article VI of the Faculty Senate Constitution outlines the duties and functions of Faculty Senate standing committees. You can read more here.

What are the duties of a committee chair?

Committee chair responsibilities can be found here.

What are the duties of a committee secretary?

Committee secretary responsibilities can be found here.

What are the duties of committee members?

Committee member responsibilities can be found here.

Where can I find templates?

Standing committee templates can be found here.

How long can committee members serve?

Article VI Section 2 indicates that the length of faculty membership on committees shall be four (4) years. Faculty members may serve no more than two consecutive terms on any one standing committee and may not serve on any two standing committees simultaneously.


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Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator