Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC)

Faculty Personnel Committee Reports

  • At the request of the University President or Faculty Senate Chair, using appropriate Series/Rules and the 1986 AAUP Recommended Institutional Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure as guidelines, the committee shall write, alter, or rewrite policies relating to:
    • Academic rank;
    • Salary;
    • Tenure;
    • Promotion;
    • Teaching and non-teaching load;
    • Retirement;
    • Sabbatical; and
    • Other matters which affect the well-being of faculty
  • Study and evaluate policies and procedures relating to the hiring of faculty, which includes a yearly review of salaries;
  • Act as an advisory panel for all faculty members initiating grievances in accordance with Series 9;
  • Address all faculty grievances except those involving dismissal, termination due to reduction of or discontinuance of an existing program, termination due to financial exigency, or a faculty member desiring to appeal a decision of the University President on non-retention or promotion;
  • Refer to the Hearing Committee those grievances involving a number of persons. Chapter 29B. Freedom of Information Act of the West Virginia code provides that “Every person has a right to inspect or copy any public record for a public body in this state, except as otherwise expressly provided by Section Four of this article.” Under Exceptions in Section Four the code reads, “Information of a personal nature such as that kept in a personal, medical, or similar file, if the public disclosure thereof would constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy…” When the committee handles matters of a personal nature, it will not share its findings with the Faculty Senate. Hence, in this function it remains exempt from those conditions outlined under the section entitled “Committee-Senate Relationship” in this document.
Andrew Burck Liaison FS 2026
Mike Murphy Theatre & Dance CAM 2025 1
Ammar Alzarrad Civil Engineering CECS 2026 1
Lanai Jennings School Psychology COEPD 2027 2
Bobbie Taylor Nursing COHP 2027 2
Clinton Brown Communication Studies COLA 2026 1
Jacqueline Fannin Biological Sciences COS 2027 1
Susan Lanham Accountancy & Legal Environment COB 2027 1
Alejandro Nato Biomedical Sciences SOM 2027 2
Nandini Manne Public Health SOP 2026 1
Ron Titus University Libraries ULIB 2027 1

Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Members

Avinandan Mukherjee Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs
Amine Oudghiri-Otmani Advisory Council of Faculty


Other Resources


Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator