Standing Committees

The Marshall University Faculty Senate system includes, in addition to the Faculty Senate itself, standing committees.  One of these is designated the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate and it functions as part of the Faculty Senate.

The other committees work in cooperation with, but distinctly separate from, the Faculty Senate.  For these standing committees, one member of each standing committee is appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair to serve a 2-year term as a liaison to the Senate; liaisons may serve 2 consecutive terms.  Other membership of the standing committees includes one member elected by the faculties of each academic unit (as defined in Bylaw #14), whose terms are 4 years and who are limited to serving for 2 consecutive terms.

Faculty members may not serve on any two standing committees simultaneously.

Each standing committee shall elect a chair and a recording secretary as soon as practicably possible after the formation of the committee for the academic year. These terms of office are for 1 year, and officers can be re-elected for up to 4 successive terms. Chairs establish agendas with the assistance of the recording secretary, preside over regularly scheduled meetings, and report committee actions to the Faculty Senate. Recording secretaries keep minutes of the committee meetings, recording and reporting votes of the committee, and assist the chair in the preparation and submission of the committee’s annual report.

Below are the links for each standing committee’s current roster:

Executive Committee (EC)
Academic Planning Committee (APC)
Athletic Committee (AC)
Budget & Academic Policy Committee (BAPC)
University Curriculum Committee (UCC)
Faculty Development Committee (FDC)
Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC)
Legislative Affairs Committee (LAC)
Library Committee (LC)
Physical Facilities & Planning Committee (PFPC)
Research Committee (RC)
Student Conduct & Welfare Committee (SCWC)


Other Resources


Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian
Andrew Morelock - Backup Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator