Faculty Senate FAQs

Who is currently serving on the Faculty Senate?

Click here to view the current Faculty Senate Roster.

How are members elected to serve on the Faculty Senate?

Article III Section 1 of the Faculty Constitution outlines the election process as follows:

The Faculty Senate shall consist of one (1) senator for each academic unit, unless otherwise specified, plus one (1) senator for each thirteen (13) full-time faculty members, plus one (1) additional member if the number of full-time faculty in a unit exceeds a multiple of thirteen by seven (7) or more. Ex-officio voting members will be the Graduate Council Chair and the Advisory Council of Faculty (ACF) representative. The term “academic unit” is defined in the bylaws. Individual constituency numbers for calculating representation shall be based upon the number of full-time faculty presented every second year to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate in the fall semester preceding Faculty Senate elections. Census information will be provided by the Office of Institutional Research in collaboration with the Provost and the Vice President for Health Services. In addition, South Charleston faculty will elect one (1) atlarge senator.

What does the Faculty Senate do?

Article II of the Faculty Constitution outlines the purposes, powers, and functions of the Faculty Senate. You can read more here.

As a member of the Faculty Senate, how many meetings can I miss?

Article II Section 5 explains that if a senator misses more than three regular meetings in any academic year, his/her seat will be declared vacant by the Faculty Senate Chair, who will immediately report the vacancy to the Dean or Director of the appropriate unit. Within two weeks the Dean or Director shall call for nominations and the election of a faculty member to fill the vacated seat.

What are the responsibilities of the Faculty Senate standing committee liaison?

The Faculty Senate standing committee liaison responsibilities can be found here.




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Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator