Procedures for Standing Committee Chairs

  • The chair prepares an email distribution list of the committee membership (voting and non-voting) to utilize for communicating with the committee.
  • The chair utilizes MU Bert to extract faculty teaching schedules and consults with the recording secretary to determine the best appropriate meeting time for each semester or for the academic year and sends notification of the committee’s meeting times to the committee members and the Faculty Senate office. (Please note that according to SR-16-17-28 CC, the University Curriculum Committee has standardized meeting dates.)
  • The chair prepares and sends an Agenda (See template – Agenda) to the committee membership and the Faculty Senate office in advance of all committee meetings. A standing committee may take up any matter over which it has jurisdiction as described in The Constitution of the Marshall University Faculty. Items may also be sent to a standing committee from the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee, or the Provost.
  • The chair should determine that a quorum is present before calling to order any committee meeting in which business is to be conducted. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority (50% plus one) of the filled voting seats. If a quorum does not exist a meeting or business may not be conducted; however, discussion can ensue.
  • The chair is to maintain order in meetings and to conduct procedures according to the latest version of Robert’s Rules of Order. A copy of which is available in the Faculty Senate office.
  • If necessary, an electronic (email) vote may be conducted to finalize urgent business. The chair should ensure that a quorum of responses is received before announcing the result of the electronic vote. It should never be presumed that the committee can conduct all business electronically; this action is for urgent business when a physical quorum is unattainable.
  • The chair should immediately notify the Faculty Senate office in writing of any changes in regular or ex-officio committee membership (e.g. resignation, sabbatical leave). The Faculty Senate office will send notification to the appropriate college, department, or organization requesting replacement on the committee.
  • The chair should be aware of member attendance to monitor for excessive absences and may invoke By-Law #3: “If a member of a standing committee misses more than three (3) regular meetings in any academic year, his/her seat may be declared vacant by the chairperson of the committee, who will immediately report the vacancy to the Senate Chair and the Dean or Director of the appropriate unit. Within two weeks the Dean or Director shall call for nominations and the election of a faculty member to fill the vacated seat.” The chair should notify the Faculty Senate office so appropriate action can be taken.
  • Before the end of each academic year, the chair submits a summary of the committee’s actions to the Faculty Senate office (See template – EOY-Report). Either the chair or the secretary may compile the report, but it is the chair’s responsibility to submit it by the established deadline. Each report is organized in the following format:
    • Number of meetings held.
    • Summary of action taken by the committee on request. (committee charges)
    • Summary of action initiated by the committee.
    • Recommendations sent to the Faculty Senate. (list by number and description)
    • Summary and status of unfinished business.
    • Election of officers for the next academic year.


Other Resources


Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator