MA – Music with an Emphasis in Music Education (online)

The Master’s program in Music Education (Online) at Marshall University offers you a chance to transform your teaching practice with the latest advanced methods and research in music while in the comfort of your own home. Graduates of the program earn a higher pay scale and are prepared to teach at the collegiate level or to enter a doctoral level music education program.

Admission Requirements & Deadlines

Please visit the Graduate Music Admissions page for the latest information on requirements and deadlines.

Additional Application Requirements

In addition to your application, please submit the following:

  1. A documented research paper comprising a minimum of 3,000 words. The paper may be on any subject.
  2. A 500-word statement of your philosophy of teaching.

Please send to:

Graduate Music Studies
Marshall University
Smith Music Hall
1 John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755

– OR –

by email to


Course Requirements

Music Education – Thesis Option

Area of Emphasis in Master of Arts in Music

(32 credits)

Required Courses
MUS 610Hist and Phil of Music Ed3
MUS 611Music Psy and Lrng Theory3
MUS 616Mus Curr and Admin3
MUS 617Seminar Music Education3
MUS 621Music Research Methods3
MUS 622Styles and Analysis3
MUS 658Technology in Music Edu3
MUS 679Problem Report3
MUS 681Thesis3
Select 6-12 credits from the following:6-12
MUS 512
Adv Jazz Ped & Cond
MUS 612
Projects & Problems Music
MUS 620A
Instrumental Tech and Material
MUS 620B
Choral Tech and Materials
MUS 620C
Elem Tech and Materials
MUS 629
Choral Conduct and Interp
or MUS 630
Instru Conduct & Interp
MUS 670
Cur Trends in Mus Ed PreK-5
Total Credit Hours33-39

Music Education – Non-Thesis Option

Area of Emphasis in Master of Arts in Music

(36 credits)

Required Courses
MUS 610Hist and Phil of Music Ed3
MUS 611Music Psy and Lrng Theory3
MUS 616Mus Curr and Admin3
MUS 617Seminar Music Education3
MUS 621Music Research Methods3
MUS 622Styles and Analysis3
MUS 658Technology in Music Edu3
MUS 679Problem Report3
Select 12 credits from the following:12
MUS 512
Adv Jazz Ped & Cond
MUS 612
Projects & Problems Music
MUS 620A
Instrumental Tech and Material
MUS 620B
Choral Tech and Materials
MUS 620C
Elem Tech and Materials
MUS 629
Choral Conduct and Interp
or MUS 630
Instru Conduct & Interp
MUS 670
Cur Trends in Mus Ed PreK-5
Total Credit Hours36

Program Requirements

Diagnostic Exam

All entering graduate music students must take diagnostic exams in music theory and music history prior to the start of their first semester of enrollment. These exams are administered in the week prior to the beginning of classes in the Fall and Spring.

Comprehensive Exam

The graduate comprehensive examinations in music (written and oral) are required of all candidates for the Master of Arts in Music degrees.

Thesis Option

Candidates taking the thesis option for the Music Education emphasis area are required to submit a thesis as their culminating project and give a public presentation on their topic.

Non-Thesis Option

Candidates taking the non-thesis option for the Music Education emphasis area are required to submit a portfolio of their research projects from their course work as their culminating project.

Sample Schedule

Semester 1- Fall
MUS 610, History and Philosophy of Music Education (3)
MUS 621, Music Research Methods (3)

Semester 2- Spring
MUS 658, Technology and Contemporary Techniques in Music Education (3)
MUS 630, Conducting (3) OR
MUS 670, Current Trends in Music Education (Pre-K-5) (3)

Semester 3- Fall
MUS 611, Music Psychology and Learning Theory (3)
MUS 622, Styles and Analysis (3)

Semester 4- Spring
MUS 617, Seminar in Music Education (3)
MUS 616, Curriculum and Administration (3)

Semester 5- Fall
MUS 620A, Instrumental Techniques and Materials (3) OR
MUS 620B, Choral Techniques and Materials (3) OR
MUS 620C, Elementary Techniques and Materials (3)
MUS 612, Problems and Projects in Music (3)

Semester 6- Spring
MUS 679, Critical Review in Music (3)
MUS 512, Jazz Pedagogy and Conducting (3)

In the final semester
MUS 681, Thesis (3)
Comprehensive Examination

Courses will be offered in a six semester rotation. Students can enter the rotation at any semester and cycle through.



Contact Us

Marshall University
School of Music
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Telephone: 304-696-3117

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School of Music Auditions

January 25, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 22, 2025
March 1, 2025