Department Chair, Professor of Marketing
Marketing, Management Information Systems, & Entrepreneurship
SBUS 318
Elizabeth Alexander received her PhD at the University of Kentucky in 2000. She has been a Marketing Professor for the Lewis College of Business at Marshall University since 1997. Currently she is the Chair of the Department of Marketing, Management Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship. Elizabeth’s work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. She has served on the DBA Task Force and the University Institutional Review Board. Dr. Alexander was the Coordinator of Recruiting and Retention for the college.
PhD, University of Kentucky, 1995
MBA, Marshall University, 1989
BBA, Management, Marshall University, 1983
MKT 340: MKT Concepts and Applications
MKT 341: Integrated MKT Communications
MKT 349: Prin. Domestic Transport
MKT 400: Social Media Marketing
MKT 442: Market Research
MKT 465: Strategic Marketing
MKT 511: Marketing and Management
Alexander, E. C., Mader, D. R., Mader, F. H. (2019). Using social media during the hiring process: A comparison between recruiters and job seekers. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 29, 78-87.
Arts marketing, Consumer's perceptions of robots and artificial intelligence, Services marketing, Servicescape, and Sustainable fashion
Marketing Professor Marshall University, 1997 to Present
Graduate Teaching Assist. University of Kentucky 1991