Nancy Lankton


Nancy Lankton is an Associate Dean at the Lewis College of Business at Marshall University. She received her PhD from Arizona State University in 2000 from the Department of Accounting and is a certified public accountant (CPA), a certified information systems auditor (CISA), and holds a certified in emerging technologies (CET) certificate. She teaches topics such as accounting information systems, information security and controls, and management control systems. Her research investigates trust in strategic and emerging technologies, online privacy behaviors, and information technology governance. Nancy publishes in a variety of high-quality academic journals, including Information Systems Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Information Systems, and others. She is currently a senior editor at the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and is a board member for the West Virginia Society of CPAs.

PhD, Arizona State University, 2000
MS, Information Systems, Arizona State University, 1997
MBA, Arizona State University, 1993
BS, Accounting, Arizona State University, 1985
West Virginia Society of CPAs Teaching Award, June 2024
Associate Editor of the Year Award, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2022
Outstanding Service, Accounting & Auditing Committee, West Virginia Society of CPAs, June 2019
WVSCPA Teaching Award, May 2018
Kermit E. McGinnis Distinguished Professor, Lewis College of Business, 2015 to 2017
Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Business, Marshall University, May 2012
Outstanding Research Award, College of Business, Marshall University, May 2011
Lankton, N., Thompson-Abbott, A., & Nash, L. (2024). Effects of experiential learning on intention to become a CPA. Accounting Education, published online early.
Tripp, J., McKnight, H., & Lankton, N. (2023). What most influences consumers’ intention to use? Different motivation and trust stories for Uber, Airbnb, and Taskrabbit. European Journal of Information Systems, 32(5), 818-840.
Lankton, N., Mukherjee, A., & Mukherjee, K. (2021). Re-imagining contact tracing: A design-thinking perspective, SAM Advanced Management Journal, 86(4), 31-45.
Lankton, N., Price, J. B., & Karim, M. (2021). Cybersecurity breaches and the role of information technology governance in audit committee charters. Journal of Information Systems, 35(1), 101-119. arters. Journal of Information Systems, forthcoming.
Lankton, N., McKnight, D. H., & Tripp, J. F. (2020). Understanding the antecedents and outcomes of Facebook privacy behaviors: An integrated model. IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, 67(3), 697-711.
Lankton, N., Stivason, C., & Gurung, A. (2019). Information protection behaviors: Morality and organizational criticality. Information and Computer Security, 27(3), 468-488.
Mosrie, N., & Lankton, N. K. (2019). Opinion: FASB proposal jeopardizes health care entity financing. Journal of Accountancy.
Price, J., & Lankton, N. (2018). A framework and guidelines for assessing and developing board-level information technology committee charters. Journal of Information Systems, 32(1), 109-129.
Lankton, N., McKnight, D. H., & Tripp, J. F. (2017). Facebook privacy management strategies: A cluster analysis of user privacy behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 149-163.
McKnight, D. H., Lankton, N. K., Nicolaou, A., & Price, J. (2017). Distinguishing the effects of B2B information quality, system quality, and service outcome quality on trust and distrust. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 26(2), 118-141.