2003 Hall of Fame

Linda B. Arnold

Linda B. Arnold is founder of the Arnold Agency, one of the WV’s most awarded advertising agencies. She graduated from WVU in 1976 and Marshall University Graduate College in 1984 where she earned her masters of Business administration degree. Ms. Arnold is the former communications director and press secretary to US Senator Jay Rockefeller during his tenure as governor. She worked in public relations in the Washington, DC., area before starting her own company in Charleston.

The Arnold Agency has clients throughout the eastern region and in Washington, DC. and specializes in health care, financial marketing. telecommunications, energy/environmental marketing. food service and service industries. Over the years, The Arnold Agency has garnered regional and national awards for excellence, including more than 50 Addy Awards (American Advertising Federation Award).

Arnold is the recipient of the 2002 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, as well as the “Who’s Who in West Virginia Business” award from The State Journal. She is a member of the West Virginia Business Roundtable and is active in the Public Relations Society of America and the American Advertising Federation. Additional professional affiliations include the Humane Society and the Chamber of Commerce, among others. Arnold also serves on the boards of the Nature Conservancy and Huntington National Bank. ln other areas of professional development, Arnold, is a Certified Wellness Instructor and Mediator.

When she’s not hanging out at The Arnold Agency. She enjoys sailing aboard Obsession with her husband. John Catselis, going to seminars and sampling spa treatments (to take the edge off the stress!).

Linda and John reside in Charleston with their beagle, Samantha.


Oshel B. Craigo

Oshel B. Craigo was born on Manila Creek in Putnam County to the parents Arnie and Naomi Gibson Craigo. He is the youngest of four sons. He worked for one year in the steel mills in Cleveland, Ohio. After graduating from Poca High School to save money to attend Barber School. He attended West Virginia State College while working days as a barber and selling real estate in the evenings and weekends.

He became interested in the restaurant business. while barbering and selling real estate. His first restaurant was a success and he enjoyed the business so much. he made the decision to give up barbering to focus full time on the restaurant business. He teamed up with Kenny Grant and opened his first Gino’s Pizza and

Spaghetti House in Nitro, W.Va. Senator Craigo is partnered with Kenny Grant and John Tudor in 112 Tudors Biscuit Worlds and Gino’s Pizza and Spaghetti Houses.

Mr. Craigo went into politics and, in 1980. served two years’ in the House of Delegates before running for the State Senate. He served in the Senate for 20 years, serving in many capacities. Including Senate Majority Leader. During his last eight years. He was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

Senator Craigo has served as past president of the West Virginia Restaurant Association and for several years has served on the Board of Directors. He also serves on the Board of Directors of City National Bank, is a member of the Putnam County Chamber of Commerce, the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce and is co-chair of the Putnam County YMCA Capital Campaign. His company, Better Foods, Inc., is the largest contributor to The Make a Wish Foundation in West Virginia.

Senator Craigo is married to Joanna Parkins who has master’s degree from Marshall University and is a retired elementary school principal. They are the very proud parents of four daughters and two grandchildren.


Timothy R. Duke

Timothy R. Duke was born in Pittsburgh, Penn. In 1951 and raised in Pittsburgh until leaving for college.

Mr. Duke ‘s parents instilled in him a work ethic for success starting with paper routes at age twelve to working in restaurants and other jobs while going to school. He worked in the Pittsburgh steel mills. at a pharmacy, a janitor and at United Parcel Service forty hours a week while attending Penn State University where he graduated with honors.

Attending night classes, he received an MBA from Duquesne University as an honor graduate. Mr. Duke worked for Fortune500 companies, being transferred around every few years. He later earned a number of certificates. He is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Management Accountant and a Certified Computer Professional.

Mr. Duke came to Steel of West Virginia as controller in1987. He worked his way up the ladder to vice president, chief financial officer and treasurer. He moved up to chief operating officer and in 1997 became president, chief executive officer and treasurer.

He states that Steel of West Virginia was a growing company at the time he came here and Marshall University provided a great platform on which to build. Mr. Duke has served as advisor to the Marshall University Lewis College of Business and the Accounting Club. Mr. Duke has been a guest speaker in many Marshall University classes and given numerous presentations.

Since 1987, Steel of West Virginia has provided an internship program with Marshall University. Mr. Duke states that it has been a great, great experience. Steel of West Virginia has given students a wonderful work experience while working for the company.

Mr. Duke has been married to his wife Julie for thirty-one years, and they have two sons of whom they are very proud.


Joseph C. Jeffords, Jr.

Joseph C. Jeffords, Jr. has. been recognized as a Businessman and author. He was born in Charleston, West Virginia on June 34, WW. He attended public schools before Graduating from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)with a BS. in Mechanical Engineering in l940. ln l969, Mr. Jefferds received an Honorary Doctor of Science from W. Va. Institute of Technology.

Mr. Jefferds joined the military in 1940 and served on active duty through 1946. He entered the military as a 2nd Lieutenant Ordnance Department and was released from active duty as a Lieutenant Colonel, Ordnance Corps. He has been in the retired reserve since 1952.

As well as being chairman of the Jeferds Corporation, Mr. Jeferds also serves as president of Mechanical Equipment ServiceCo. He served as a director for United Bankshares and Bell Atlantic Corp. He is currently a director emeritus for UnitedBankshares.

Organizations with which he is affiliated include the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Engineers Club of Huntington and the Defense Preparedness Association. Mr. Jeferds is a past president of the Charleston Rotary Club, and past Rotary District Governor, He is past president of the Edgewood Country Club and a member of the Ponte Vedra Club and the Anvil Club.

Mr. Jeferds is director of the WV Institute of Technology Foundation and the WV department of Culture and history foundation. He is a trustee emeritus for the University of Charleston, a trustee for the Highland Hospital and a past trustee for the Marshall University Graduate College. Mr. Jefersds Has authored two books on local history and served as president of the WV History Film Project.

Mr. Jefferds has four children, three living, three grandchildren and a great granddaughter.


Gary G. White

Gary G, White is president and CEO of International Industries, Inc. a natural resources and manufacturing company with locations in five states which is headquartered in Gilbert, WV. Mr. White is a graduate of Logan High School and Marshall University.

Prior to joining International Industries, Mr. White was president of the West Virginia Coal Association from 1985 until1992. He was employed in various management positions with Amherst Coal Company including Manager of Underground Vining from 1975 until 1985. Prior to that, he was Corporate Training Coordinator for Island Creek Coal Company.

Mr. White is a member and immediate past chairman of the Marshall University Institutional Board of Governors. He is also a member of the Board and president-elect of the Marshall University Foundation. In addition, Mr. White currently serves as vice president of the Larry Joe Harless Community Center Foundation, Inc., and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Appalachian Hardwoods Manufacturers Association. He also is a member of the Board of Directors of West Virginia Media Holding, LC, RAG, America’s Riverton Coal Company, CENfuel FPIJ, Ltd., the West Virginia Coal Association, and the west Virginia Land and Mineral Owners Association. Mr. White has served as vice chairman of the West Virginia Roundtable and is a member of the Corridor G Regional Development Authority Mr. White served as chairman of former Governor Cecil Underwood’s transition team in 1996-97 and is a former member and vice president of the West Virginia Board of Education. In September of this year, Mr. White was honored as this Year’s recipient of the City of Hope “Sprit of life” award Mr. White, his wife, Jo Ann, and their daughter, Jennifer, reside in Logan, West Virginia.

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