2017 Hall of Fame

image of Prentiss Lee Faulconer, Jr. and Diane Ramy Faulconer

Prentiss Lee Faulconer, Jr. (1945-2013) and Diane Ramy Faulconer

Prentiss Lee Faulconer, Jr., Lee, was a graduate of Marshall University’s Lewis College of Business, Class of 1968. Raised in Alexandria, Virginia, Lee attended the Fork Union Military Academy. Upon his high school graduation, he followed in the footsteps of his grandmother and enrolled at Marshall University.

Lee obtained a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Accounting, with a minor in Economics and Mathematics. Upon his college graduation, he accepted a position with Ernst and Whinney as a C.P.A. in Miami, Florida. During this time, he also served as a Staff Sergeant for the U.S. Army National Guard. He was employed at Ernst and Whinney for two years before being recruited by Mt. Sinai Medical Center of Greater Miami to fulfill the role as the Director of Fiscal Services.

During his twelve years at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Lee was responsible to the internal development of a hospital information system, which was marketed by the hospital and Burroughs Corporation. Additionally, he implemented a Patient Financial Representative System that created a substantial increase in productivity and cash flow. Lee also created one of the first hospital malpractice self-insurance trust funds in the state of Florida. This allowed the organization to save over $1 million during the first three years of operations.

Lee then served as the Chief Financial Officer of North Broward Hospital District in Lakeland, Florida. During his three years as CFO, Lee achieved many major accomplishments, such as:

  • Reorganizing the Financial Services Division to more effectively respond to the rapidly changing healthcare environment;
  • Completed a $90 million financing for the District’s major building and renovation programs;
  • Created a joint venture PPO organization between the District’s Medical Centers and their respective Medical Staffs;
  • Played a key role in the proposed development of an affiliation between the District and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation;
  • Substantially improved the budgeting process; created a Management Engineering Department and initiated a “product costing” system;
  • Developed a new payment system for the provision of indigent care;
  • Developed a corporate reorganization plan to allow more flexibility in dealing with the competitive

Lee developed a software company called Omega Health Care Systems, which provided 40 financial programs for health care facilities. The company sold in 2002.

Lee’s professional activities include:

  • American Institute of P.A.’s
  • Florida Institute of P.A.’s
  • Hospital Financial Management Association
  • Florida Hospital Association
  • South Florida Hospital Association

Lee served on numerous national, state and local committees. He was voted “outstanding speaker” by Florida Institute of C.P.A.’s (FICPA). Lee passed in November 2013.

Diane Ramy Faulconer, Spouse of Prentiss Lee Faulconer, Jr.

Diane Ramy Faulconer is a graduate of New Britain General Hospital School of Nursing, Central Connecticut State College. She went on to obtain her Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and Master of Science in Management, both from Florida International University.

Diane has served as the Director of Nursing for Operating Rooms, Post Anesthesia Care Coordinator for Emergency Medicine and Ambulatory Services at Mt. Sinai Hospital Center of Greater Miami. She also served as the Director of Surgical Services at Boca Raton Community Hospital before becoming a Senior Executive Consultant at Ernst and Young. She is a Certified Nurse Administrator (CNA) and a Certified Operating Room Nurse (CNOR).

Other professional experience includes:

  • Serving on the Editorial Board and published articles of Today’s OR Nurse and OR Manager;
  • Published more than 35 articles in 6 professional journals;

Topics included quality circles, managerial stress, block scheduling, specialty teams, communication styles, clinical leaders and operating room reorganization.

  • Member of Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN)
  • Awardee, AORN research grant on preoperative priorities;
  • Listed in Who’s Who in American Nursing
  • Chairman, AORN Membership Committee (40,000 members)
  • Chairman, Docent Program at Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida
  • Past President and Vice President of Bellair Beach Ladies Luncheon Club

Diane has extensively traveled throughout third world countries, as well as many other areas of the world. She has also won awards at her alma mater, Florida International University. Last year, Diane was presented with the Marshall University College of Health Professions Award of Distinction at our annual Alumni Awards banquet.

The Prentiss Lee Jr. and Diane Ramy Faulconer Endowment Fund at Marshall University

The Prentiss Lee Jr. and Diane Ramy Faulconer Endowment Fund has been established at the Marshall University Foundation. This fund supports students in the Lewis College of Business who are majoring in finance and accounting, the College of Health Professions for students majoring in nursing and the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.  Lee and Diane’s generosity to higher education, particularly at Marshall University, is a testament to their belief in our values and ability to properly educate students into perpetuity. Several years ago, Diane made a large five-figure expendable gift to fund these scholarships over the next five years.

The Faulconer’s established a multi-million dollar trust of which Marshall is a 50% beneficiary. The current market value of the trust is huge and could be one of the largest estate gifts ever to be received by the Foundation. It should be noted that Diane Faulconer, in Lee’s absence as he now deceased, was honored this past October at the Foundation’s most recent donor recognition dinner for having gained entrance into the Legacy Society for having committed to an irrevocable $5MM estate gift.

Prentiss Lee Faulconer Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Accountancy and Legal Environment

The Prentiss Lee Faulconer Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Accountancy and Legal Environment has been established at the Marshall University Foundation for $1.5 million. This scholarship was generously endowed by Diane Ramy Faulconer, in honor and memory of her late husband, who passed away in November of 2013. This gift results in the department being named the Prentiss Lee Faulconer Jr. Department of Accountancy and Legal Environment within the Lewis College of Business and Brad D. Smith Schools of Business housed in the Brad D. Smith Center for Business and Innovation.


image of Bartow Ned Jones

Bartow Ned Jones, President of Wahoo Enterprises, Inc.

Bartow Ned Jones graduated with a BA from the University of Virginia in 1968, where he was a member of St. Anthony Hall fraternity, president of his college, and a member of The Honor Committee, while lettering in freshman football and varsity golf.  He received a graduate assistantship for the University of Arizona, where he also taught undergraduate classes.  There he met the love of his life Fern Porter.  They were married in 1971 and have three children and five grandchildren.

Ned was Chairman of the Democratic Election Committee for Huntington in 1985 before becoming a State Senator in 1986.  No sooner was Ned in the Senate then Marshall’s young Medical School was faced with a serious accreditation issue.  Ned helped lead the fight in the WV Senate to find the funds necessary to address the accreditation problem.  At the time, William P. Bristol, Associate Dean of the School of Medicine, wrote: “The support and rapid help of Senator Ned Jones has eased this jeopardy at a time of great need for our school.”

Our Med Schools faced a legislative challenge in March of 1990.  Tom Miller, a Herald-Dispatch reporter, wrote “Sen. Ned Jones, who fought the salary reduction (elimination of $1,500,000 in vacant positions) at the medical schools, said it would have had a ‘serious impact on faculty recruiting.’  He convinced the Senate Finance Committee to restore the funding in its 1990-91 budget.  Dr. Charles McKown, dean of the Marshall University School of Medicine, agreed.  ‘This would have seriously jeopardized our residency programs and ultimately our school’s accreditation,’ McKown said.  ‘We have about a dozen vacancies right now and one of those is chairman of the surgery department.’ “

In 1991, MU’s School of Medicine was faced with a full frontal attack in our legislature, when WVU backed Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 47.  Its purpose was to move the teaching of the Health Sciences out of Marshall’s School of Medicine to Morgantown.  It had already passed the House and appeared on the brink of passing the Senate.  Ned employed a new approach in the Senate when he rose to argue that the loss of the Health Sciences would not only cut the heart out of our Med School but would also significantly reduce services for our Veterans at the VA because many of the professors who were teaching the Health Sciences also treated our Veterans at our VA.  Jones also asked what type of ungrateful message this would send to Senator Robert C. Byrd, who had previously obtained $67 million for our VA.  Jones’s closing argument firmly linked our Med School with our VA when he said “If you hurt one, if you damage one, you hurt both.”  SCR 47 lost its steam and did not pass…. crisis overcome.

A few of the other issues in the legislature where Senator Jones worked hard for Marshall are the funding of the Institute of International Trade, Marshall Center for Research and Economic Development, and Marshall’s new football stadium.  On the last issue, Tom Craig and Jim Snyder, on behalf of Marshall University, approached Senator Jones in 1987 about sponsoring legislation, by amending the budget, to build a new football stadium to replace old Fairfield Stadium.  They had already contacted the leadership in the House of Delegates, who said they were all for it but doubted it could pass the Senate.  Senator Jones accepted their challenge and worked tirelessly throughout the session to acquire the votes necessary from his fellow senators to permit the stadium.  Regretfully, the House’s Budget Conferees unexpectedly voted it down.  Supporters were devastated! The next year, 1988, Gov. Moore fully embraced the idea, as did the House, and the legislation was passed.  It still needed the approval of the Board of Regents which Tom Craig, one of its members, skillfully obtained.

In 1988, Gaston Caperton was running for Governor and Ned was in charge of his campaign in Cabell County.  During the general election, Gaston was interviewed by the Charleston Gazette.  The Gazette ran a story that Caperton was not in favor of the new stadium, thereby postponing or even unwinding all that had happened.  Immediately afterwards, he assured Ned he was misquoted and promised he supported building the new stadium.  Ned tried to convince local citizens that Gaston was for the new stadium but he did not have much success.  Eventually, Ned decided that if Gaston was going to carry Cabell County, they needed to win on other issues.  Dr. Alexander had earlier convinced Ned that Marshall’s College of Business needed funding to gain accreditation.  WVU was even running commercials that they were the only accredited business school in the state.  Ned convinced Gaston that getting our Business School accredited should be his first promise to our voters.  Gaston made the announcement.  After addressing a budget crisis (and with a few friendly reminders from Ned), Gaston honored his pledge.

When Gaston entered office in 1989, he quickly had the opportunity to make good on his promise to Ned that he was for the stadium.  Issue: The State’s Auditor told Gaston that he would not sign any checks for the stadium because he believed the legislation was unconstitutional.   Gaston asked the Auditor whether he would sign the checks if the Attorney General provided him with a written opinion that the legislation was constitutional. The Auditor said he would.  Gaston and Ned met with the Attorney General who agreed to give the Auditor the written opinion he needed.  Crisis averted.  Checks signed.  Stadium built.

In 1994, Ned Jones received The Distinguished West Virginian Award, presented by Governor Caperton.

Other highlights and areas of interest:

  • Charter Member of the West Virginia Round Table
  • Former Advisory Board Member for Marshall’s College of Business
  • Exemplary Service Award, Executive In Residence Week, Lewis College of Business
  • Honorary Marshall Blazer, presented to Ned by President Dale Nitzschke
  • Marshall University Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service for Higher Education, 1994. “We as faculty, staff and administration, express our profound gratitude for the leadership Senator Ned Jones has demonstrated in behalf of higher education in West Virginia.”
  • During his 1st year in Senate, Ned authored and lead to passage Senate Resolution #10, recognizing Marshall’s “mission as one of the two main pillars of higher education in the state” and asking the Board of Regents “to address the inequity between Marshall University’s mission and its rank of eight in the allocation of state dollars per student to public institutions of higher education.”  Resolution #10 became the foundation for many of Ned’s arguments in promoting projects for Marshall University.
  • Co-Chairman Partnership For Progress, Region 9, and Partnership For Progress, State-Wide Council.
  • In 1971, Ned and his brother, Brereton Jones, started a construction, apartment, and land development company called Wahoo Enterprises, Inc.  Ned is President of Wahoo Enterprises, Inc.  In 1975, Ned started and is President of Stonewall Enterprises, Inc.  These two companies developed and built the residential communities of Churchill Oaks and much of Belmont Park in Huntington.  They also built a number of custom homes, as well as the five locations of the Greentree Apartments.  Ned is a former Tri-State Home Builder of the Year.
  • Fern and Ned are longtime supporters of Hospice of Huntington.  One of the patient rooms at the Emogene Dolin Jones Hospice House is named in honor of Fern and Ned’s mothers.
  • Ned sponsored and chaired The Child Abuse Conference, 1993.
  • With Brenda Waugh as his legislative attorney in 1994, Senator Jones wrote, sponsored, and led to passage SB 1001 and SB 1007, addressing child abuse. Bills established or designated in every county a child protective services office, established a state advisory committee to properly investigate child abuse, required no more than 14 days elapsing before a face-to-face interview of child and the development of a protective plan, and established minimum staffing requirements for the DHHR.  Governor Caperton held a signing ceremony for these bills on the lawn of the Governor’s mansion.
  • Always interested in historic preservation, Ned has been the President of the Greenbottom Society since 1998.  The Society is an advocacy group for the restoration and rebuilding of the General Albert G. Jenkins Home in Greenbottom while telling the moving story of the history of slavery at Jenkins.  Also in that area, we hope to bring to life a Fort Ancient Indian Village from 1550-1600 and another Indian village from the Late Woodland Period (dating back to 400-900 AD).  In 2009, Ned was named by the WV Culture and History as a West Virginia History Hero.
  • Ned started a free medication pilot program at Cabin Creek, and at Camden on the Gauley to aid those below the poverty line who did not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid.  Medicines donated by Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.  (In picture at the announcement ceremony with Ned are Governor Caperton, Cecil Roberts, Pres. of United Mine Workers, and representatives of Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer.)
  • After serving in the Senate, Ned lobbied for Pullman Square in West Virginia’s Legislature, securing $10 million for its construction.
  • Point Pleasant High School Athletic Hall of Fame – school records for letters (10) and no hitters (3); All-State Football and Basketball; Captain Basketball and Baseball; tryout with Detroit Tigers.
  • Bat Boy for two Spring Training seasons, 1958 and 1959, for the New York Yankees and St. Louis Cardinals at Al Lang Field, St. Petersburg, Florida.


image of Michael Moe Myint

Michael Moe Myint, CEO, MPRL E&P Group Companies

U Moe Myint has over 40 years of experience working in the fields of aviation, aerospace, and energy, both in Myanmar, Asia Pacific, and the United States. He is the founder and Chief Executive of the MPRL E&P Group of Companies which employs a combined work force of over 1100 direct employees and over 1200 indirect employees. The MPRL E&P Group of Companies have been the leader in the energy sector of Myanmar for nearly the past three decades. The flagship company and upstream petroleum exploration and production arm of the group, MPRL E&P Pte Ltd., was founded in 1996 and boasts an asset portfolio consisting of five onshore and three offshore assets, all located in Myanmar. MPRL E&P Pte Ltd has also forged strong partnerships with world-class energy companies consisting of Woodside, Eni, Total, and Shell, and continues to be at the forefront of unlocking the nation’s much anticipated energy resource potential, necessary to enable the unprecedented growth expected of Myanmar in the years to come. Myint & Associates Company Ltd. was the first Myanmar company to provide to oil and gas operators and their main contractors, services such as catering, logistics, construction, and manpower supply in the country. Founded in 1989, Myint & Associates continues to hold the majority of market share in the energy sector in Myanmar with regard to the services that it provides. Asia Drilling Pte Ltd. and Myanmar Independent Power Production Ltd. are companies founded in 2009 and 2012 respectively, and leads the MPRL E&P Group of Companies’ drilling contracting, liquefied petroleum gas, and power generation initiatives.

Beyond the energy sector and as the country underwent a political transition into a quasi- civilian government in 2011, U Moe Myint also ventured into real estate development as well as information technology sectors. Myint & Associates Construction Company Ltd. is the property development arm of the group and has a development portfolio of projects consisting of the Ngwe Saung Yacht Club & Resort, the only five star resort in Ngwe Saung Beach, Myanmar, as well as Vantage Tower, Myanmar’s first Grade (A) commercial office property. Vantage Tower is one of the most well recognized commercial office properties in Yangon and was awarded the awards for Best Overall Commercial Property, Best Office Property, and Best Office Architecture during the 2015 Myanmar Property Awards. Myint & Associates Telecommunications Ltd. is the information technology arm of the group and is the developer and operator of M&A Data Center. Operational since 2015, M&A Data Center is the country’s first and only Uptime Institute accredited Tier III data center that currently provides co-location, cloud computing, and hosting services to both local and international private enterprise, as well as to the government.

U Moe Myint was born in Yangon, Myanmar in 1952. U Moe Myint attended Methodist English High School in Yangon, up to 8th Standard, and graduated high school from Ruam Rudi International School in Bangkok, Thailand. U Moe Myint attended Marshall University in West Virginia and the University of Yangon and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Marshall University Lewis College of Business in 2016. After his graduation and before venturing into the energy industry, U Moe Myint first became a commercial airline pilot and served for the only national flag carrier, Burma Airways, for over 12 years and accumulated nearly 13,000 flying hours, during which he was also actively involved in training other pilots in utilizing various flight simulation devices. Upon electing to take early retirement from public service at the age of 35, U Moe Myint moved to California, USA, where he worked as Vice President at Interaero Inc. and Emro Engineering Inc., both companies of which were involved in the manufacture and export of dynamic motion flight simulators, parts, and equipment for high performance aircraft.

U Moe Myint is also the founder of U Moe Myint & Family’s Education Foundation which provides middle school, high school, and university students from Myanmar with scholarships and grants to best enable their learning and educational advancement. Scholarships have been provided to Myanmar students who have obtained their university degree both in Myanmar as well in other countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

For the past twenty eight years, U Moe Myint is the sole sponsor and promoter of the sport of sailing in Myanmar. He currently serves as the President of the Myanmar Yachting Federation, the Past Commodore and Honorary Life Member of the Yangon Sailing Club (a club founded in 1924), Founder and Patron of the Myanmar Optimist Dinghy Association, and a member of the Myanmar National Olympic Committee.


image of Charles R. 'Dick' Tutwiler

Charles R. ‘Dick’ Tutwiler, C.P.C.L.A., P.C.L.A., Founder & CEO – Licensed Public Adjuster – Appraiser – Umpire – Loss Consultant – Expert Witness

As the Founder and CEO of Tutwiler & Associates, Dick brings a long line of impressive credentials and knowledge to the public adjusting profession. He began his insurance career with Travelers Insurance Company, where he learned the internal methods used in the claims settlement process used by insurance companies with their policyholders. While at Travelers he earned the professional designation of Casualty Property Claim Law Associate (C.P.C.L.A.) and Property Claim Law Associate (P.C.L.A.) from the American Educational Institute. This program was specifically designed for the property casualty side of the insurance industry, emphasizing issues focused on the property loss adjustment process. After several promotions and reaching the 10-year vesting/retirement period, he recognized that sometimes the best interests of the policyholder and the insurance carrier do not always line up. As a result he made a career choice to become a public adjuster and represent property owners and business professionals who need assistance when they experience a loss and need help managing their insurance claim.

Charles R. Tutwiler and Associates Inc., incorporated in March of 1984, and was founded to assist property owners in assessing, documenting, presenting and negotiating settlements from fires, hurricanes, floods, collapses, thefts, sinkholes, business interruptions, and other perils commonly covered in property insurance policies. Specializing in property loss adjustment, damage surveys, and loss appraisals, Dick stresses a professional and ethical approach, enabling businesses, condominium associations, homeowners, and property owners of all types to achieve full value for their insurance claim on a timely basis.

Dick is currently licensed in 9 states and the Virgin Islands. He is a wind umpire under the Windstorm Insurance Network Umpire Certification Program and served on the faculty for the advanced umpire certification class at the 2008 Windstorm Conference. He has also received his New York State Instructor Approval document.

He is a valued member of the Anderson-Kill Loss Advisors, an organization of six of the most respected public adjusting firms across the United States. He is a contributing writer to Anderson Kill’s The Loss Advisor, a quarterly publication published and distributed throughout the United States. Dick is also a frequent contributor as a United Policyholders featured expert.

After graduating from Marshall University with a B.B.A. in Business Management and four years of service with the U.S. Air Force, Dick moved to Florida, where he has provided 35 years of uninterrupted claim service. He was recognized in the March 1994 edition of Who’s Who in American Finance and Industry and in the June 1993 edition of Who’s Who in Insurance in Florida. His expert credentials include membership in the American Arbitration Association, National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA), National Society of Claim Law Associates, Tampa Bay Executive Association, Marshall University John Marshall Society, and University of South Florida President’s Council. He also served as Vice Chairman of Marshall University’s National Prominence Campaign and was featured in Marshall University’s Profiles in Prominence (second edition, October 2003) along with nine other alumni. Dick is past President and charter member of the Florida Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (F.A.P.I.A.), a statewide professional trade association.

Having received this level of recognition, Dick has been called upon to speak and teach at insurance executive seminars, conferences, and other civic and industry-related forums on issues concerning the insurance loss adjustment process and disaster preparedness. He has appeared in various television markets throughout Florida and is recognized as a noted authority and guest speaker on issues involving hurricanes, fire and flood losses and related insurance claim matters. Most notably, he has appeared on The Today Show, broadcast from New York in a special report on Hurricane Andrew. If your group is in search of a property insurance claims expert, Dick is happy to make himself available to educate and speak to your group about trends in property claims.

In addition to serving as the former editor and publisher of the Journal for Insurance Loss Adjustment and the Quarterly Update, an insurance trade publication, Dick has contributed to articles in The New York Times, The Miami Herald, South Dade News Leader, Tampa Bay Business Journal, Sarasota Herald and the Community Association Institute, a trade publication for condominiums and cooperative homeowners associations. His letters have appeared in the editorial section of The Tampa Tribune, and he was profiled in the business section in November 2001. He has been a feature writer for Claims Magazine, a Division of the National Underwriter, the Condominium Times, Condominium Management Magazine, and Wind News, the newsletter of the Windstorm Insurance Network.

While serving on the Florida Department of Insurance Testing Committee, Dick was charged with rewriting testing protocol and procedures for licensing adjusters in the State of Florida. He has been certified as an expert in insurance property adjusting matters in U.S. Federal Courts and State of Florida courts. Over the years, he has been directly involved in the legislative process in Tallahassee, where his actions have resulted in new legislation affecting licensing and competency issues of adjusters who apply for licensing in Florida as well as protecting best interests of insurance policyholders. He was selected by the Florida Department of Insurance as one of its experts in the “mold trials” that followed the Department’s rejection of requests from Florida insurers to limit or exclude mold coverage.

Dick formerly served as a director on the board of the Windstorm Insurance Network Inc. (WIND), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a cooperative dialogue among individuals and groups concerned with windstorm issues. He was also past president of WIND in 2004/2005 and was awarded the second annual WIND Presidential Recognition Award at the 2011 Windstorm Insurance Conference in Houston, Texas. The award was established to recognize annually a member who has contributed significant knowledge, service and leadership to better the Windstorm Insurance Network (WIND). Subsequently, in 2014 Dick was part of the first group of property insurance experts to be named to the Windstorm Network Fellows Program established to recognize within the insurance industry, individuals that demonstrate professionalism and technical knowledge in the field of property and windstorm insurance claims. He is a former director on the board of the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA) a national organization that represents the interests and professional conduct of public insurance adjusters. In 2003 Dick was honored by his Alma matter, Marshall University, with a feature profile: Dick Tutwiler – Profiles in Prominence Volume II.

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