Teaching and Learning Blog Space

The last few years have been hectic coming out of lock-downs, having our AACSB accreditation visit, completing our 5-year program reviews, and more. We have settled into the new norm with a combination of courses in face-to-face, hybrid, and online settings. We are now ready to look forward with steps on how to continue to grow and improve in the classroom. The LCOB Teaching and Learning committee hopes to help all of our faculty in this drive to improve.

The LCOB Teaching and Learning committee was inaugurated in the fall semester of 2020 and is now in its third year of existence. So far, we have successfully delivered two Teaching and Learning Days in 2021 and 2022. The 2021 edition Teaching and Learning Day was virtual and the 2022 edition was face-to-face. The third rendition of Teaching and Learning Day will be in Spring 2023, with more information to come.

A lot has been going on! Much of the work on the LCOB Teaching and Learning Blog to this point has been foundational and geared towards building its infrastructure. This effort was initiated by Dr. Uyi Lawani, who was chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee for its first two years and is owed many thanks for creating the foundation of this space. As the current chair of the committee (and on behalf of Uyi who put so much into this effort), I formally welcome you to the Lewis College of Business Blog Space (BS for short). Our hope is to create a space where we can share ideas, discuss, debate, inspire, and yet feel relaxed knowing that we are a community. With your help and contributions, we believe this will happen.

The rules are simple: Whether it is a long essay highlighting a pedagogical research idea or study, or a few lines highlighting an anecdote from a classroom experience, or everything in between, if it is worth sharing then it must find its space on BS. Send it along!

The blog is open. BS is live! For now, the chair of the committee will be the main hub, connecting bloggers with the learning community. Please feel free to send your blogs, posts, comments to knottsk@marshall.edu. Once again, welcome to BS.

Kevin Knotts, On behalf of the LCOB Teaching and Learning Committee


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Marshall University
Brad D. Smith Center for Business and Innovation, Suite 359
Phone: 304-696-2314

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AACSB Accredited