
Lewis College of Business Committee Structure

Organizational Charts

Dean’s Cabinet (DC): The Dean’s Cabinet consists of the Dean of the Lewis College of Business, Brad D. Smith Schools of Business, the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, the Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives, and department chairs. The Dean’s Cabinet is the senior leadership team of the college that works closely with the Dean, the college advisory board, and university leadership to provide advice, develop and implement college-wide initiatives, and oversee operations of the college. The Dean’s Cabinet meets approximately every other week during the academic year, and during the summer if needed.

The Extended Dean’s Cabinet (EC): The Dean’s Extended Cabinet consists of the Dean’s Cabinet members, graduate program directors and coordinators, the College’s Associate Director of Graduate Programs, the Director of Undergraduate Student Services, and the Director of Stakeholder Engagement. The Extended Cabinet provides a broader perspective in developing and implementing college-wide initiatives. The Extended Cabinet meets approximately every other week during the academic year.

Standing Committees

The faculty of each department elect their representatives for all standing committees listed below on an annual basis. Faculty may serve a maximum of 4 consecutive years on a standing committee starting the 2017-18 academic year. The members of each standing committee will hold an election for the chair of their committee and provide the deans a recommendation. The deans’ office has the right to reject the nominated chair and request the committee to nominate another committee member.

Research & Scholarly Activities Committee: (2 faculty per division) Ex officio: Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives.

The Research & Scholarly Activities Committee is responsible for encouraging a culture of research and scholarship among faculty and students in the Lewis College of Business. The committee will focus on promoting basic and applied research that addresses economic impact and emerging business challenges. The Research & Scholarly Activities Committee will support research initiatives including holding the Marshall Business Research Day event, conducting the college’s summer-research grant process, reviewing the journal list policy and any exception requests, promoting grant writing, and engaging in other research and scholarly activities.

Teaching & Learning Committee: (2 faculty per division) Ex officio: Associate Dean for Academic Programs.

The Teaching & Learning Committee is responsible for helping faculty members improve their teaching, helping students improve their learning, and developing opportunities for conversation and reflection among faculty, students, and staff around topics of teaching and learning. The committee will host the annual Teaching and Learning conference, develop and implement targeted educational seminars and workshops, offer input to teaching evaluation processes, assist with implementation of assessment initiatives, assess needs and use of teaching technologies, and engage in other teaching and learning support for the college.

Graduate Curriculum Committee: (2 faculty per division) Ex officio members: Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives and Associate Director of Graduate Programs.

The Graduate Committee is responsible for overseeing the curriculum management process for all graduate programs in the college, with the goal of continuously increasing student learning and outcomes. This includes facilitating the AOL loop-closing process in graduate programs by instituting changes in the graduate curriculum. The Graduate Committee will review and approve new graduate programs, program changes, and course additions and deletions. It is also responsible for setting and reviewing admission standards and graduate curricula.

Promotion & Tenure Committee: (2 tenured faculty per division)

The Promotion & Tenure Committee evaluates promotion and tenure applications at the college level and makes a recommendation to the Dean. Committee membership will be limited to tenured faculty and, where possible, to full professors. To vote on a candidate’s promotion or tenure, committee members must be the rank or higher than the rank level the applicant is seeking.

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: (2 faculty per division) Ex officio members: Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives and Director of Undergraduate Student Services.

The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee is responsible for overseeing the curriculum management process for all undergraduate programs in the college with the goal of continuously increasing student learning and outcomes. This includes facilitating the AOL loop-closing process by instituting changes in the college’s undergraduate curriculum. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will review and approve new undergraduate programs, program changes, and course additions and deletions. It is responsible for setting and reviewing undergraduate curricula.

2024-2025 Committees

Task Forces

Task forces are mission specific and can be temporary. The Dean, in consultation with associate deans and department chairs, will choose members of each task force based upon individual skills and expertise. Members will typically serve as long as the task force exists. The Dean will also choose the chair of the task force. All task forces periodically report recommendations and actions to the deans.

Assurance of Learning Task Force: Ex officio: Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives. Chair: Director of AOL (appointed by Dean)

The Assurance of Learning Task Force is responsible for implementing college AOL. This includes working with the faculty to review and develop mission-consistent learning goals and objectives for the programs, to assess the learning objectives, and to review learning objective outcomes. The Task Force will work with the AOL Director to ensure the collection, reporting, and storage of all assessment data and documentation. The Task Force will also work with curriculum committees and task forces to communicate needed addition/changes to the curriculum.

Strategic Planning Taskforce: Ex officio and co-chair: Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives, and another co-chair (appointed by Dean)

The Strategic Planning Task Force is responsible for continually monitoring the relevance of the college’s mission, vision, and strategic plan, and recommending revisions when necessary. This includes assessing the current state and establishing priorities and goals. It also includes overseeing the collection of implementation data. The committee is also responsible for creating and maintaining the strategic and operational dashboards and posting them on the college’s website.

DBA Task Force: Ex officio: Associate Dean for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives. Chair: Director of DBA Program and Associate Director of DBA Program (appointed by Dean)

The main goal of the task force is to work with the DBA Director and Associate Director to ensure a successful DBA program. There will be monthly meetings at minimum and much communication and work in between meetings. Activities or the task force include promoting the program, developing admission criteria, screening applicants, interviewing candidates, attending to programming details, and planning for on-campus visits. The task force will also serve in a supporting role for reviewing courses, AOL, and maintaining student computer and software resources.

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Marshall University
Brad D. Smith Center for Business and Innovation, Suite 359
Phone: 304-696-2314

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