Women In Technology

MUWIT, Women in Technology is an initiative led by the university’s Chief Information Officer to provide leadership and professional development opportunities, networking, support, community service and recognition to women working in technology or studying technology related disciplines.

The goals of the group are to conduct activities that help recruit, retain and prepare women to work and lead in technology-related fields and industries. In addition to activities on the university campus, this group plans to support girls interested in coding in middle and high schools.

Read more about IT’s commitment to diversity or see available list of current open positions in IT.

Staff Highlights

Shriya Khanal                         Sarah Quarles                       Chelsie Cooper
Database Analyst                   Security Analyst                     Web Designer

Event Highlights

Seven of our MUIT WIT employees attended the 2018 Women & Technology Conference featured inspiring women speakers on the cutting edge of technology, value-added educational sessions, quality networking and the 2018 Spirit of Innovation Awards.

This annual premier event attracts women working in technology fields, those interested in pursuing or migrating to a tech-focused career, education leaders, industry professionals, agency officials, nonprofit leaders, students and anyone interested in exploring ways to bridge the tech gender gap and inspire future generations of girls to pursue STEM fields is encouraged to attend.