Email News Archive

A number of fradulent emails have been circulating with various subjects and senders, all with message bodies looking similar to the image below.  Many accounts are continuing to be compromised. Please DO NOT CLICK any links in messages which look similar to the image below, or any other messages before verifying the sender, verifying the URL,

Marshall faculty, students, and staff have seen a recent upswing in the number of phishing emails received recently.  Brooke Griffin, reporter for The Parthenon, recently interviewed IT staff.  Read the article here.

Computer Security Advisory for All University Faculty & Staff E-mail Recipients Starting last Friday (5/13/2017) computer security researchers and news media began sharing information about a new computer security attack called ‘WannaCry’. This attack is another variation of malicious software referred to as ‘ransomware’. When a computer becomes infected with ransomware, this malicious code attempts